Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Welcome Back

Hello Everyone, welcome back to school.  I hope that you all had a great summer break and are ready to get back into the swing of things here at Esperanza.  Please take some time to navigate around the blog and try to get a grip on how things work.  There are page links that you can see at the top of the blog.  These will link you to the different units that we will be studying this year.  If you need copies of homework or classwork you will be able to find most of these assignments here.  As you look along the sides of the blog you will see some helpful information; including a link to my Google+ page, the course syllabus, our bell schedule and the EHS style guide to help you when writing in MLA format.  Will will also be watching the History Channel series Story of Us and you can find the episode links on the bottom left of the blog.  Please leave a reply to this post by clicking on the comments and leaving me a short message.  If you wish to subscribe to the blog you may do so or just reply anonymously, but please leave your first name and last initial.  I have some great stuff in store for you and hope that you will enjoy everything!  I hope that we have a memorable nine months.

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